Your Satisfaction is Our Priority

Whether you're looking to install a simple security camera system at your home, or you're investing in an integrated video surveillance and access control solution for your business, you need to find reliable technology and a security service provider in Sault Ste Marie, MI that you can trust. Hoornstra Communications INC is committed to your satisfaction, period. In fact, much of our business comes from our customer referrals. But don't take our word for it... see what our customers say below.

Hoornstra Communications INC Reviews

The Benefits Of Outdoor Security Cameras And Things To Consider When installing security cameras, it’s critical that you evaluate areas of vulnerability both inside and outside your Sault Ste Marie, MI home or business. Unfortunately, property owners tend to neglect outdoor cameras. Outdoor cameras are a...
A Closer Look At Fingerprint Scanners The future is here, at least where various things are concerned. And one area that the modern world has finally caught up to sci-fi movies is in security systems. Fingerprint scanners, for example, are now more common in Sault Ste ...
Easy Ways To Secure Your Business Properly Business is about two main things – generating revenue, and controlling expense. You need to be able to earn more than you spend in a given period or else your business will be destined to fail. But one thing that ...
You Can Have Security Even On A Small Business Budget When you run a small business in Sault Ste Marie MI, you know that every cent counts.  Not only do you have to make enough money to keep yourself and your family fed, you also have to pay your employees, ...
Why Condo Owners Need A Security System Those who live in a Sault Ste Marie, MI condo often feel as though they’re safe and protected from harm. After all, most condos have some kind of security measures in place such as cameras and even a guard. But ...
5 Basic Network Security Tips for Small Businesses Even if you believe you are at low-risk for cyber attacks, your business in Sault Ste Marie, MI does always face a threat of being broken into. As a matter of fact, nearly 45% of attacks are geared to small ...
Use the Power of Technology to Protect Your Home and Family Technology has changed the face of home protection in Sault Ste Marie MI forever. Thanks to advances in wireless technology, a homeowners can keep a watchful eye on their homes from virtually anywhere. They can even lock the doors if ...
Daycare Security Is A Smart Investment If you run a daycare or other childcare facility in Sault Ste Marie, MI, you are probably already aware of the heavy responsibility you bear. Children are, in one sense, one of the most important investments that any human being ...
Protect Your Business With The Right Surveillance System In this day and age, business owners in Sault Ste Marie MI more than ever must go above and beyond to protect their assets. A video surveillance system cannot stop crimes like shoplifting or burglary from taking place, but they ...
When to Utilize a High-Security Door Lock When you have a home or business in Sault Ste Marie, MI, you want to do everything in your power to protect your property. While having a traditional lock and key can provide you with some base level security for ...
Security Solutions to Protect Your Business If you are a business owner in Sault Ste Marie MI, then you are very aware of how time-consuming and challenging running your own business can be. With all the different aspects of the business to contend with, some areas ...
Why Use A Waterproof Security Camera? Security for the home or business in Sault Ste Marie, MI is always going to be a concern for prudent property owners. When you work hard, and own a home and/or business, you want to make sure that your investment ...
4 Ways To Protect Your Security Cameras Security cameras are an important part of an integrated security system.  While they can’t prevent a crime from happening, they can deter potential criminals from acting by letting them know someone’s watching and they can record...
Shut Down Your Teens House Party Before It Begins When your teenager has an unauthorized, unsupervised party, it can easily turn into a disaster. This is especially true when a large group mixes with alcohol and drugs. Opening the door to a teen party opens the door for accidents, ...
5 Reasons Burglars Choose A House A lot of burglars are desperate and opportunistic.  They spot someone leaving a house, they take a risk and smash a window to get in, and they grab whatever looks valuable before running as fast as they can.  However, other ...
The Smart City Movement and Security Governments have begun to integrate data and technology in an attempt to bolster efficiency and response for citizens in Sault Ste Marie MI and other cities throughout the country. The Smart City movement is about enhancing these processes and...
Easy Ways To Protect Your Pets While They Are At Home When people aren’t at their home, it’s difficult for them to relax without knowing for sure that their property is protected. And in addition to personal property is the fact that many Sault Ste Marie homeowners own pets as well. ...
The Best Places To Put A Security Camera Even the best security camera system in the world will not be of any use whatsoever if the cameras are not installed in the proper place. Proper placement is so important, in fact, that it is something that an individual ...
The Peace Of Mind That Comes From Security Cameras At Home By now, just about everyone in Sault Ste Marie, MI is used to the idea of seeing security cameras whenever they venture out in public. From sports arenas to government buildings, department stores to gas stations, it seems as though ...
What The Professionals Have to Say About Hidden Cameras When you have a surveillance security system in Sault Ste Marie MI, people notice the cameras right away and are aware they are being monitored. However, with a hidden camera, you can have the benefits of monitoring people without their ...
Investing In A Smarter Security Gate According to the American Bureau of Justice, right around 3.7 million homes get burglarized in the United States each year. In most cases, criminals make their way into a home using the front door. Knowing that breaking into a window ...
10 Uses for Covert Video to Build Your Bottom Line It's a well known saying that only the dumb criminals in Sault Ste Marie, MI get caught - and statistics prove this out. According to data from the Department of Justice, less than 19% of thefts in Sault Ste Marie, ...
Creating A Secure Sunday School Environment Sunday school is an environment for enrichment, not endangerment. A safe and secure place is a must for Sunday school, making a security system an important investment for any school building. It’s the task of staff to ensure student safety,...
Is It Worth Trading Privacy For Security? There is no doubt that security cameras can be useful tools when it comes to preventing crimes in Sault Ste Marie, MI or catching guilty individuals after-the-fact. Unfortunately, a security system is not without some potential issues and drawbacks....
5 Tips to Reduce Employee Theft No business owner in Sault Ste Marie, MI would want to come across the possibility of his/her business property being stolen from by his/her employees. According to a survey by Jack L. Hayes International, thefts initiated by employees can be ...
Don't Let the Burglars Know! Handy Tips for Tricking Them Have you ever laid on a golden beach under a sapphire sky on a holiday of a lifetime, sweating with fear that thieves may be breaking into your property back in Sault Ste Marie, MI? If so, you're not the ...
Active Surveillance Is An Effective Way To Prevent Apartment Car Theft Car thieves will often target apartment parking lots and garages in and around Sault Ste Marie, MI when they’re looking for something to steal.  With so many people coming and going they don’t look suspicious, and since there are so...
Keep Your Smart Home Safe With These Tips You don't have to be technologically knowledgeable or savvy to take advantage of smart home systems in Sault Ste Marie, MI. Mobile setups and other resources are being integrated into these systems, and you have a helping hand throughout each ...
3 of the Most Common Robbery Locations It is said that a robbery occurs every thirteen seconds which is not something we really want to have to think about, but it happens in Sault Ste Marie, MI. That is one of the reasons we need security in ...
7 Tips to Maintain Your Video Surveillance System To ensure your surveillance system in Sault Ste Marie, MI is performing at its best, performing regular scheduled maintenance is recommended. Regular maintenance allows you to get the most optimal performance out of your surveillance system and...

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